Sunday, January 15, 2012

3 More days

Sooooo……… My (former) roommate Andrea was bugging reminding me today about making a blog to document my study abroad experience, and since I had nothing better to do, I went ahead and made it.
And here it is.
(Actually, this is really weird, blogging in English (Yes, I have a Japanese blog).  We'll see if I actually get used to it.)

A word about the blog title………
I'm 100% sure that it has some type of grammatical error, if not several, and I'm sorry if it's painful to look at.  While I was figuring out what I would put down, though, I just figured that I could just change the title as I learn German.
And hopefully the mistakes aren't too embarrassing ;P

Well, seeing how as I have nothing more to write, here are some pictures from the internet of the city I will be going to.

Hopefully the next pictures I post will be pictures that I took!

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